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InsertLookupColumn and InsertLookupRows (Macro Command)


InsertLookupColumn 'TableName' After 'ColumnName\Units' ColumnFormat

Inserts one column into the existing Lookup table that has name (showing on the tab in the window) TableName.  TableName may be a string variable containing the name of the table or a string constant.  The column is inserted after column number After, where After is an integer.  If After is 0, the column will be inserted as the first column in the table.  If After is greater than the number of columns in the table, the column will be inserted as the last column in the table.  'ColumnName\Units' is optional.  If 'ColumnName\Units' is provided, the column name will be set to "ColumnName' and its units will be set to Units.  'ColumnName\Units' may be a string variable.  Note that a \ separates the column name and the units.  If a \ is not provided, the units will be left blank.  ColumnFormat is optional.  If this field is provided, the 'ColumnName\Units' field must also be provided.  ColumnFormat is a 2 digit field.  The first digit can be A (auto), F (fixed decimal), E (float decimal), T (time format), D (date format), d (datetime format) or S (string).  The second digit is a number between 0 and 9 for numerical format.  For Time format, the second digit must between 0 and 2.  For Date and DateTime Formats, the number must be between 0 and 9. 


InsertLookupRows 'TableName'   After  NRows

Inserts NRows rows into the existing Lookup table that has name (showing on the tab in the window) TableName.  TableName may be a string variable containing the name of the table.  If NRows is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.  The row(s) are inserted after row number After, where After is an integer.  If After is 0, the row will be inserted as the first row in the table.  If After is greater than the number of rows in the table, the row will be inserted as the last row in the table. After and NRows may be variables defined in the macro or in the EES program.  If NRows<0 this command will delete rather than insert the rows.


See also:  DeleteLookupRows


