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Retrieve Parametric Table


The Retrieve Parametric Table command will read a specified .TXT (text) or .PAR (binary) file and restore the Parametric table to the same condition it was in when the Store Parametric Table command was issued. 


The Retrieve Parametric Table command was originally developed to overcome the limitation of a single Parametric Table in early versions of EES.  Current versions of EES allow an unlimited number of Parametric Tables to be defined and all tables are saved with the .EES file.  However, there are two situations in which the Retrieve Parametric Table command may be useful.


1.  You can use the Store and Retrieve Parametric Table commands to copy a Parametric Table from one EES file to another.


2.  You may wish to enter data into a Parametric table using an external program, e.g., EXCEL.  This can be done using the .TXT format, described below.  


Format of a .TXT file used to Store/Retrieve a Parametric Table

First line:  EES variable names separated by tabs.  The EES variable name can optionally by followed by the format specification (see below) in parentheses. 

Second line:  Units for each EES variable, separated by tabs.  Each unit specification can optionally be followed by an alternate units with the same dimensions in braces

Following lines:  Data for each row in the parametric table, separated by tabs.  Note that only the data that are to be specified by the table should be included.  Data that are calculated by EES with the Solve Table command and then displayed in the table should be represented by a space or null character.


Format Specifications

A format specification consists of two characters.  The first indicates the style and the second indicates that number of significant figures or other relevant information consistent with the style.



A Automatic numerical formatting

D Date and DateTime formats

E Floating decimal (E) format

F Fixed decimal format

G Engineering decimal format

N Specified significant figures

S String format

T Time format





File T data.txt will, when retrieved, create a Parametric table with 3 columns and 11 rows.  The first row provides the names of 3 EES variables:  string variable S$, and normal variables TC and TK.  The format specifications are provided. The second low provides the units of these variables.  The following 11 rows provides the data that will appear in the Parametric table.  Each row contains two tab characters that separate the information for each EES variable.  


S$ (S0) TC (F1) TK (N3)

 C {K} K

K is specified   2.732E+02










K is specified   3.732E+02



The Parametric table that is created when the Retrieve Parametric Table command is issued is shown below.  Note that if the variables specified in the .TXT or .PAR file do not currently exist in the EES file, they will be created.




See also:  Store Parametric Table