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The LOOKUP$ROW function operates just like the LOOKUPROW function except that it its final argument is a string rather than a value.  The function returns the row in the table in which this string exists.  As in the LOOKUPROW function, the LOOKUP$ROW function requires three arguments.  The first is a string constant or string variable  that provides the name of the Lookup table in the Lookup Table Window or the name of Lookup file stored on disk.  The next argument is the column in the table.  The column may be indicate by a number or by a string constant or variable that provides the name of the column.  The final argument is a string constant or string variable holding the string that will be searched in the table.   


Note.  In order to accept string information, the format style of the column in the Lookup table must be set to STRING.  To change the format style, click in the column header and make the change in the Format Table dialog window. 


See the description of the Lookup Table Window for more information.



  Row=LOOKUP$ROW('Lookup 1', 'Names', N$) {Returns the row in the column called NAMES that holds a string represented by N$}


See also:




 Mathematical Functions

 String Functions